Hosting a Wedding Blessing
Some of the parks are suitable to hold a private wedding blessing service/reception in particular the Tree Cathedral at Newlands. The Tree Cathedral is a unique setting for a wedding blessing/reception with areas perfect for an intimate ceremony, unfortunately as there is not a permanent structure there a formal wedding could not be conducted. The use of the park for a wedding blessing would incur a charge please see our rate card for details.
How to apply
To apply to host an event or organised activity in one of our parks:
- Read the Wedding Blessing organiser’s pack
- Read the current event fee rate card
- Contact the Events Team at The Parks Trust on 01908 233600 or events@theparkstrust.com to discuss proposed event, date and location.
- The team will then assess your event proposal and send you an application form to complete.
Download our organiser's pack
Frequently Asked Questions