Secondary School Awards
Gain recognition for your students' efforts to care for the environment and improve biodiversity in Milton Keynes.
The Parks Trust Secondary School Awards are designed to recognise the work that Milton Keynes Secondary Schools are doing to care for and protect the local environment.
Awards can recognise the work of a group of students, an entire year group or the whole school.
There is no specific task that your school has to do as long as your students can demonstrate to our satisfaction that they are taking part in a project to help their local environment. This could include but is not limited to:
Creating or maintaining wildlife areas
Taking part in regular wildlife surveys
Eco buildings e.g. Eco brick greenhouse
Wildflower planting
An off-timetable event or scheme of work with a specific focus on the local environment
How can my school get involved?
Register your interest by emailing outdoorlearning@theparkstrust.com to let us know what you are doing. We will be in touch to arrange a time for your students to show us what they have achieved.
How will my school benefit?
An opportunity for students to connect with nature
A focus for groups such as student mentors, challenging groups or high-potential students
A chance to make a positive change and make links with the wider community
Certification for the school, year group or group of students
A free assembly about The Parks Trust with the presentation of the award

If you would like further details, please contact our friendly Outdoor Learning team to discuss your requirements.
Phone: 01908233600
Email: outdoorlearning@theparkstrust.com