What’s Going On in Your Parks

  • School Holiday Activities
    Enjoy free activities to keep your family entertained this summer holiday.
  • Parks & Run
    Join in on our free monthly running programme, with routes suited for all ages and abilities.
  • Tree Tots
    Head over to Howe Park Wood every Thursday for affordable outdoor nature play with your little ones!
  • Play Areas
    Over 25+ play areas are available across the parks for your children to develop their strength, social interactions and confidence.
  • School Sessions
    Our team provide a wide range of fun activities, games and guided walks to inspire you and your class.
  • Walking
    What better way to enjoy Milton Keynes' parks than on foot?
  • Community Volunteering
    Get outdoors, help the environment and keep active with our community volunteering tasks.
  • Women's Walking Network
    Come and join The Parks Trust volunteers at our monthly Women's Walking Network walks.