Park Rangers
Increase your students' understanding of their local environment through an interactive walk to discover the impact that people and wildlife have on our parks.
During this citizenship-focused session, students will be guided around the parks and discover the impact that both humans and wildlife have on our parks. This will enable discussion about why we need to be responsible citizens.
Students will consider how our behaviour impacts the environment around us. Depending on the location chosen, this could include water safety and bird feeding, dogs in the park, farming on Parks Trust land, illegal encampments, coppicing and land management, damage, graffiti and litter.
Depending on group size and location, the session can also include responsible bird feeding, a litter pick competition and a practical coppicing task using tools.
Suitable for Key Stage 3.

If you would like further details, please contact our friendly Outdoor Learning team to discuss your requirements.
Phone: 01908233600
Email: outdoorlearning@theparkstrust.com
Check out our range of curriculum based sessions for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.