Parkland Poetry
In our Parkland Poetry session, students explore existing literature inspired by nature and create their own poem, drawing on the outdoor surroundings as a stimulus.
During this session, students spend time in the outdoors exploring the emotions that nature can evoke. We will listen to poetry about the natural world and consider the purpose of the writing and the intended audience. Students will learn new vocabulary and terminology associated with nature and consider how they could use this language in their own writing.
Time is then dedicated to immersing the senses to be able to record the sounds, sights, smells and textures of nature before using these experiences in poetry composition. Suitable for Key Stages 3 and 4.
National Curriculum links
Key Stage 3 - Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, using Standard English confidently in their own writing and speech, improvising, rehearsing and performing play scripts and poetry in order to generate languages and discuss language use and meaning, using role, intonation, tone, volume, mood, silence, stillness and action to add impact
Key Stage 4 - Read and appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage through poetry since 1789, including representative Romantic poetry, identifying and interpreting themes, ideas and information, improvising, rehearsing and performing play scripts and poetry in order to generate language and discuss language use and meaning, using role, intonation, tone, volume, mood, silence, stillness and action to add impact.

If you would like further details, please contact our friendly Outdoor Learning team to discuss your requirements.
Phone: 01908233600
Email: outdoorlearning@theparkstrust.com
Check out our range of curriculum based sessions for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5.